What are indiscriminate attacks?
Yesterday, March 9 2022, Russia bombed a children's hospital in Mariupol City, Ukraine . The Red Cross has called conditions in the city apocalyptic. People have to go seek shelter underground because the bombardment has been unceasing. They have barely any access to essentials like food, water, or power. And it's winter time. This was despite Russia's agreement to a ceasefire so civilians could get out of the city. If true, then this would be an egregious violation of international humanitarian law (IHL). I understand that most people know of IHL and of war crimes, but not the specifics. For people who know even some IHL (like me, emphasis on the "some"), the violation there is really clear. For people who are unfamiliar with IHL, they would still know that bombing a hospital is generally fucked up. That being said, just because it's fucked up doesn't necessarily mean it's illegal. That's why people often ask me at times like these "is this...